Referee flags

Our referee flags indicate, depending on the colour, whether an attempt was valid or invalid. Our referee flags can also be used to indicate other factors concerning an attempt. The flags are available in white, red, yellow and blue colour. You can also find yellow, green and red flags for track marking.

Our referee flags indicate, depending on the colour, whether an attempt was valid or invalid. Our referee flags can also be used to indicate other factors concerning an attempt. The flags are... read more »
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Referee flags

Our referee flags indicate, depending on the colour, whether an attempt was valid or invalid. Our referee flags can also be used to indicate other factors concerning an attempt. The flags are available in white, red, yellow and blue colour. You can also find yellow, green and red flags for track marking.

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Polanik Flag with Base Polanik Flag with Base
Track marker flag. Powder-coated aluminium post and steel base. Synthetic flag.
$97.57 *
Polanik Officials' Flag Polanik Officials' Flag
Officials' flag made from weather-proof synthetic fabric. Powder-coated flag pole. Four colours available.
$29.74 *